Hi there! Thank you for taking the time to check our about us page. The team at Bodhealthiness all call me Tina, and I’m the chief editor of this site. Most times I’m in the background as the person that oversees all the content that our writers submit to us. But I was given the honor of writing the content on this page and introducing Bodhealthiness.com to our readers.
The Idea Behind BodHealthiness
Back in 2017, Our founder suddenly came down with some random illness that got progressively worse after a seven-day cruise. The sickness started with nausea and moved from severe chest pain to Paresthesia. And believe it or not, every means possible was taken to figure out what was wrong. We did every test and had no possible answers of what could be the cause. After being tired of running around and not being able to get an answer. We decided to take to the internet, where luckily we met great friends and experts that have been in similar situations. That’s when we came together to create what is now a community with over 15 expert contributors.
Our Vision for this site is simple:
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